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I love diving with sharks!

Scuba diving with sharks makes you feel alive. The adrenaline pumps when you're close to these awesome hunting creatures.

I guarantee if you've not scuba dived with sharks before, the very first time you see one (and I mean a big shark of over 5-6 feet), you heart will pump a little faster. If it doesn't, then you're not human.

I've dived with sharks in Australia, The Red Sea, America, the Caribbean in a few places, like Antigua, and The Bahamas, South Africa and each time I've loved it.

I still have a few bucket list places, like Cocos Island off the coast of Costa Rica.

  • The most sharks I saw in one dive was in The Bahamas, grey reef sharks.
  • The biggest shark was in Australia on the Ningaloo Reef, a whale shark.
  • The most variety of sharks I've seen is The Red Sea, hammerheads, whitetip, blacktip and grey reef sharks, oceanic whitetips, thresher sharks and nurse sharks.
  • The biggest impact when I saw a shark was in South Africa, a great white shark.



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