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Where Do You Find Great White Sharks (A Few Big Surprises!)

Where Do You Find Great White Sharks
Where Do You Find Great White Sharks Map Image courtesy of Ocearch

If you are wondering about where to find great white sharks, this article reveals some surprising places that even I was amazed at when I researched the topic. Great white sharks live in almost all coastal and offshore waters with sea water temperatures between 12-24 °C (54-75 °F).

The best way to do more diving is to book yourself on a scuba diving liveaboard. and if you want to dive with great white sharks diving Guadalupe Island is one of the best ways to do this from a liveaboard. You can check the latest and best deals on Mexico liveaboards using the following window:

But it’s not just about water temperature that draws-in great white shark populations, it’s also rich food sources too. Great whites require a high calorie intake due to their large size and high metabolism.

Where to find great white sharks

Where to find great white sharks

Great white sharks prefer to live in offshore waters with temperatures between 12-24 °C (54-75 °F). They are mostly found in regions with a good rich food source like seals and sea lions, as white sharks have a high metabolism and are warm blooded creatures.

If you didn’t know already that great white sharks are warm blooded creatures, you may also like to read about another 49 interesting facts about great whites sharks too.

Where are great white sharks most commonly found?

  1. South Africa’s Dyer Island and False Bay.
  2. Neptune Island, south coast of Australia.
  3. North west coast of America and California.
  4. East coast of America.
  5. Stewart Island, New Zealand.
  6. Japan.

Where are the most surprising places to find great white sharks?

  1. North Caribbean near to the Bahamas.
  2. Tampa Bay Florida.
  3. Off the coast of Miami, West Palm Beach and Fort Lauderdale.
  4. Off the Florida Keys.
  5. The Gulf of Mexico.
  6. The Great Barrier Reef, Australia.
  7. ‘Near’ the Maldives southern most atoll.
  8. Hawaii, USA.

You may like to read this article about great white sharks in the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico, as you may be surprised by what you read, I certainly was! This article is also interesting about a great white shark pinged near to the Maldives.

But then if you want to be really surprised, take a read of this article about a great white shark spotted by a snorkeler off the southern Great Barrier Reef. The article includes a video of the white shark concerned.

But also, Hawaii is home to great white sharks at certain times of the year too. In fact the biggest great white shark ever recorded was spotted by Ocean Ramsey in the waters of Oahu, Hawaii, which can be seen in a video in this article.

Something else you may be surprised to find out can be seen when you take a watch of both the videos on this article about what fish eat sharks. You may be as surprised as I was when you see what happens! What fish can eat sharks?

Does Scotland have great white sharks?

There have been no recorded sightings of great white sharks in Scottish waters, but that’s not to say they may not visit. However, because the sea water temperatures in Scotland range from 7-13°C (45-55°F), this is possible too cold for them for most of the year. search worldwide destinations

Are there great white sharks in the UK?

There have been no official sightings of great white sharks in the UK, but the waters around UK waters are within the great white temperature zone. It’s a question of whether the great white sharks from the western side of the Atlantic Ocean will make the crossing to visit British waters at some time in the future.

I have now struck through the above text, as there is a video of a group of divers who saw a 5 metre great white shark in Scotland. I cover this in more detail in this article: Are There Great White Sharks In The UK. This article also includes some interesting information about how two great white sharks have now crossed the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Are great whites on their way to the UK?

Are there great white sharks in the Mediterranean Sea?

There are great white sharks in the Mediterranean Sea, and some experts believe the Mediterranean is a great white nursery. Great white sharks have been spotted near the Sicilian channel near the island of Lampedusa and on off the Island of Mallorca in the Cabrera Archipelago National Park.

Great White shark spotted off Spanish coast
A great white shark has been spotted near Spain’s Balearic Islands for the first time in at least 30 years.

Gavin Naylor, professor at University of Florida and director for the Florida program for shark research, has discover that the Mediterranean white sharks are similar to the white sharks in Japan when they tested their genetics (see video below).

Mediterranean White Sharks & Japanese White Sharks
Populations of white sharks around the world have distinct genetic signatures. Usually sharks that are close together are also closely related. Yet somehow white sharks in the Mediterranean Sea are genetically similar to white sharks found near Japan. Right now scientists only have guesses about why this is. What is your theory?

If you would like to cage dive with great white sharks, this article includes 6 of the best places to cage dive with great white sharks. But on the other hand, if you would prefer to dive with sharks out of a cage, the article also includes the four best places to dive with sharks without a cage.

Where Do You Find Great White Sharks Map
Where Do You Find Great White Sharks Map Image courtesy of Ocearch

Where do you find great white sharks map

In the above “where do you find great white sharks map“, there are a few places highlighted where tagged great white sharks are found; these include the east coast of America (68 tagged white sharks), South Africa (32 tagged white sharks), south of The Maldives, close to Reunion Islands and Mauritius(2 tagged white sharks). To read more about how a great white shark was pinged near to The Maldives, please read more here: Are there great white sharks in the Maldives?

This doesn’t mean there are no great white sharks in other places on the map, as South Australia has many great white sharks, as does the West Coast of American too.

I hope you enjoyed this article about where to find great white sharks

I’d love to hear from you. Tell us about your adventures of diving and snorkeling, in the comments below. Please also share your photos. Either from your underwater cameras or videos from your waterproof go-pro’s!

If this article hasn’t answered all of your questions. If you have more questions either about snorkeling or scuba diving (or specifically about where to find great white sharks), please comment below with your questions.

There will also be many more articles about scuba and scuba diving safety tips (and on snorkeling too) for you to read and learn about this fabulous sport.

Have fun and be safe!

Where Do You Find Great White Sharks (A Few Big Surprises!)

Article written by Russell Bowyer who has been a scuba diver since diving on the Great Barrier Reef in Australia in 1989. After his first dive he trained as a BSAC diver in the UK. He attained his Diver Leader certification with BSAC. He then went on to become a scuba diving instructor, teaching others how to dive and was voted as Diving Officer and Treasurer for the Saffron Walden BSAC club too. Russell has dived all over the world, including the UK, on liveaboards in the Red Sea, the Caribbean, South Africa and the USA. Russell is experienced in all dive types, including drift diving, deep dives that involved decompression stops and recreational dives too.

2 thoughts on “Where Do You Find Great White Sharks (A Few Big Surprises!)

  1. You didn’t mention South Austrailia,one of the worse places for great white attacks.Most likely the most in the world.

    1. Hi Don, thank you for your comment – I mentioned Neptune Island in South Australia in the article – whereabouts in South Australia are you referring to please and where are these attacks by great white sharks you mention taking place?

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